A common set of values and a clear vision of where it is heading and how, can turn a group into a highly functioning team. Team coaching and development can help build strong, cohesive and high performing teams and multi-agency partnerships.

We are experienced in coaching teams and have also facilitated many team building days – supporting teams and partnerships to work effectively together and develop a common purpose, common values and common language. Also see Partnership Working

Beacon C&C was involved in the development of the Social Care Improvement Partner (SCIP) programme, which supports improvement and development at an individual, team and organisational level. The SCIP programme works by providing an improvement partner to coach a group of key managers across a management structure. It has been used with local authorities at periods of intense pressure to improve, and the programme’s developmental emphasis has proved highly supportive at such challenging times. An evaluation of the programme found the coaching approach and reflection time was the single most valued element and led to sustained change.

The evaluation found improvements in:

  • leadership style and effectiveness
  • team working and collaboration
  • coping with change and making positive contributions to transformation
  • team engagement with strategy and planning
  • embedding of a performance management culture
  • individual skills and competencies
  • capacity for strategic thinking
  • front line practice and improvements to service provision.
  • emotional intelligence and awareness of personal leadership styles.

“You’ve helped us think about personal, professional and team development in a very constructive way during often challenging and difficult times!”