We are skilled in the design and implementation of new service delivery models, transforming the way you work, enabling you to improve quality and sustainability and achieve better outcomes for service users.

We can work with you to transform the way Children’s Services are delivered. This might include redesign of existing services or new organisational forms, such as public sector-owned trading companies and joint ventures with a range of partners.

Transforming your vision and strategy into a working delivery model, ensuring services and delivery partnerships are designed to achieve the best outcomes for service users. With the right people, systems and governance to deliver.

We provide advice and practical support, working alongside you and your team to design, assess and implement your new model. Bringing planning expertise and evidence of what works, supporting cultural change and the design of systems and processes, keeping a strong focus on performance, improvement and outcomes. Ensuring skills are transferred to your organisation for maximum sustainability.

  • Engaging with your stakeholders – your partners, staff and service users – to create a shared vision
  • Moving from talk to action and from vision to options appraisal
  • Developing detailed business plans to ensure the selected model is the right one
  • Project management and technical expertise to implement your plan
  • Supporting and mentoring to ensure the success of your new service.