Every two seconds a girl is forced into child marriage. All too often girls are made to leave school, give up on their dreams and many will face a lifetime of violence.
Through providing regular support to Plan International’s Girls Fund, Beacon C&C is helping to put a stop to harmful practices like child marriage, female genital mutilation and violence against girls.
By providing school books, training teachers and making schools safer for girls to learn, Plan International supports families to find alternative ways out of poverty, reducing the risk of girls being married young. It also works to raise awareness of the other forms of abuse, like FGM and violence towards girls.
Vitally, Plan International helps communities see the value of girls. Through projects working with girls, boys, women and men, girls’ voices are heard and they’re given the same opportunities to go to school. Because when a girl goes to school, she can achieve incredible things for herself, her family and her community.
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